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Showing posts from November, 2017

Extracting Text from PDFs

TET bindings for Python If you are about to extract text from digitised archives, you hope to receive clean XML files, because text extraction from XML files is an almost trivial undertaking. If you receive PDFs, on the other hand, things become a little more difficult. At least, OCR has been done already, so text recognition from pure images is done. For unknown reasons though, the output from the OCR has not been saved in an XML format, where you have the text in one file and the corresponding image (usually a tiff) in another file, but in a PDF where the text is saved in a stream alongside the image. Fortunately, there are libraries which allow you to extract this text stream from PDFs in an efficient manner. One such tool is PDFlib . Within the product range of PDFlib, you will find the Text and Image Extractor Toolkit, or TET for short. We have used the Python bindings to extract the text from the PDFs. A PDF of the first issue of the NZZ. But how to get the text out of ...

Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis (Deerwester et al., 1990)

Problem statement Deerwester et al. address a common issue in information retrieval, which is the often unsatisfying recall due to the differences how documents are indexed and with what terms users would like to find them.  As such, synonymous query terms fail to retrieve a smiliar document and thus have a serious impact on recall. What is more, polysemy might return documents which are of no interest to the user, which severes precision. The authors point out three factors which are responsible for recent systems to fail in such tasks: Incomplete identification of index words: documents usually never contain all terms a user might query the data with. There is no way of dealing with polysemeous words. Independency assumption of word types   Their assumption is that there is an underlying latent semantic structure (in which terms might either refer to the document they appear in, or to the overall to...