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Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis (Deerwester et al., 1990)

Problem statement

Deerwester et al. address a common issue in information retrieval, which is the often unsatisfying recall due to the differences how documents are indexed and with what terms users would like to find them.  As such, synonymous query terms fail to retrieve a smiliar document and thus have a serious impact on recall. What is more, polysemy might return documents which are of no interest to the user, which severes precision.
The authors point out three factors which are responsible for recent systems to fail in such tasks:
  1. Incomplete identification of index words: documents usually never contain all terms a user might query the data with.
  2. There is no way of dealing with polysemeous words.
  3. Independency assumption of word types  
Their assumption is that there is an underlying latent semantic structure (in which terms might either refer to the document they appear in, or to the overall topic, or both) in the data which will enhance term-matching retrieval. In this vein, they introduce "latent semantic indexing" (LSI) which uses singular-value decomposition (SVD). In fact, they want to model the relationship between terms and documents directly. Similar documents would occur close to each other in the semantic space because they contain many similar terms. The opposite would be true for dissimilar documents.


The approach they chose is two-mode factor analysis. This techniques allows them to model documents and terms as points in a space, where the similarity between them would be given by their dot product. The ingestion of new documents or terms would be achieved by taking the weighted sum of its component weight vectors. Note that the space would have looked differently if the terms or documents to ingest had been present during the original construction of the semantic space. 
Turning to SVD in detail: SVD is similar to eigenanalysis, with the small difference that it results in three instead of two matrices (T0, S0, D0'). Multiplication of these three matrices would result in the original matrix X. However, we assume that this matrix does not capture the relevant information we need, which is why we limit the number of dimensions by the k topmost values in S0, resulting in a new matrix which should capture semantic similiarity better. k here represents an arbitrary number of artificial concepts. In this reduced semantic space, the n most similar documents can be calculated by taking the cosine similarity measure (the higher the value the more similar are the documents). The factor k should not be too small, since we want to capture the most important and most relevant concepts, but it should neither be too high, because we would introduce too much noise or irrelevant detail this way.
  • Comparing two terms: X̂X̂' = TS²T'
  • Comparing two documents = 
  • Comparing a termn and a document: 
Deerwester et al. did not preprocess their data in any way. They used two data sets and tested their approach against three others.

Illustration of SVD taken from Deerwester et al. (1990)


Overall, they perform better on the MED data set, and equally poorly on the CISI data set, where precision was rather poor.


Modelling terms and documents in the same semantic space makes the problem a straightforward matter for retrieving documents relevant to user queries. However, it only offers a partial solution to the polysemy problem.

Rating: *****

Written in simple and plain English. Use good examples and explain the concept of LSI and SVD very good!


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